Thursday, March 31, 2011

New ideas for the Photo Club

In our first class after our first public exhibition (after Gloria left) was on Human Rights on the 21 March 2011 (International HR Day). We sat down with the kids and talked more about the exhibition and also discussed the way forward and we came up with other social issues that we would like to tackle in our communities and possibly the rest of the country.

In our discussion we came up with our main theme for the end of the year exhibition that we have called “Life in our World”. Basically this theme we came up with, will be focusing more on the story of Langa currently so that in future we can look back and see how much the area has improved and hopefully our pictures will have an influence on the developments that are come to the area. Under this theme (Life in our World) we will have subtitles that we will shoot under, and Human Rights was our first and we are still looking to improve what we have currently on the above mentioned subtitle - so that by the end of the year we have better images to show.

Some of the subtitles we came up with are, “Poverty, Housing and Interventions" such as project playground in Langa. We will also visit other projects of this nature and have photo shoots so that we can also document the improvements that are happening in the area. I believe not all is bad about Langa there are very positive things in the area.
