Monday, November 1, 2010

The First Class - What is photography?

The topic of the first class was "What is photography?", "What photography is about?".

We talked about the origin of the word: PHOTO + GRAPHY.

PHOTO comes from Greek language and means LIGHT.

GRAPHY also comes from Greek language and means GRAPHIA, WRITING.

So, photography is writing with light!

Dotty, staff and Xhosa translator, made a colorful draw showing us the meaning:

We suggested the teens to close theirs eyes. Then, we asked them: "Could you see anything?". The answer was "Not". We asked "Why" and they answered: "Because is dark". After, we asked them to open their eyes and why they can see. The answer was: "Because there is light!". 

Then, we asked the teens to walk around the classroom and choose something or someone is interesting for them to take a photo. Each teen stopped in front of something. So, we say:

"Photography is about that, is about yours feelings, about what is important for you for some reason".

We explained: "Imagine this big world! You choose and cut something of this big world and put inside a small rectangle, a photo. You have endless choices. So, if you chose, I think that thing or person is important for you. What do you think?"

Anathi replied: "Photography is about me, what is inside of me. Through photography I can express myself".

We added: "So, photography can be a tool for you express yourself. For example, when the teacher at school ask you to write an essay. You may choose the subject. You write about your feelings, dreams, family. You write a story. You use a pencil. You write a story with letters. In photography, you also write a story. However, you use a camera, you use your eyes. You write a story with images. You write a story with light!".

Our intention is to support them to realize by themselves the world of image they are part of as well as the photography as a tool of self-expression.

Then, we talked about the principle of image's formation: "What is camera obscura?".

CAMERA comes from Latin language and means CHAMBER, ROOM.

OBSCURA also comes from Latin language and means DARK.

What is the principle of camera obscura? In 15th century, Leonardo da Vinci described it.

Punch a small hole a dark box and put a piece of paper on the other side. When the image of illuminated objects penetrates a dark box through a small hole, you'll have the inverted image of illuminated objects on the paper.

After speaking a bit about image's formation, we built our camera obscura: a  Matchbox Pinhole Camera!

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